Monday 13 August 2012

Two sucky Mondays and proof of my idiocy

Weigh in Monday continued in its normal horrific Mondayness manner - with Divine destroying me at every turn, putting me through a fitness test of note.  But when it was done, it was done.  My hardest training day of the week was over.  Or so I thought.  On arrival at gym on Tuesday morning, Divine's first words to me were to the effect that "today you die". Nice right?  And he was not joking.  At one point the Hitman had me doing lunges whilst lifting kettle bells over my head at the same time - cos clearly lunges on their own are not shitty enough.  If there weren't so many witnesses around I would have clobbered him upside the head with a kettle bell and escaped!  Pffft!  By the time Tuesday afternoon arrived my body was feeling the after-effects of the two sessions and I was doing my George Burns impression again! Wednesday I trained on my own, and Thursday was a boxing session.  As promised, the links to a few very short video clips follow.  I have to prepare you though - I had (very fleetingly) considered making myself a little more camera ready but then I thought screw it, it is not a fashion shoot.  So be warned - sweaty, red faced, dead sexy hairstyle, the works! Haters gonna hate! :D

There's more but it's pretty much the same of the same.  If you really feel like relieving your Monday blues,  the channel is tracygreen1000 - feel free to browse and laugh and point your finger!

Anyway, moving swiftly on.  Seriously.  Stop laughing - it's just rude! :P

Thursday was a huge day of rock at Grand West - 8 odd hours of singing (to the point of hoarseness), drinking nothing even remotely low in calories, eating pizza (boy was I sorry about that), and spending time with the most wonderful people in the world!  And that is all I have to say on this subject.

Damon and I at the start of a looooong night of rock!
Friday was not easy.  I set three goals for myself - get out of bed, shower, get to work.  That's it.  I accomplished all of these goals - barely - and made it through the day - barely.  By the time I got home, I was good and ready to settle down on the couch under a blanket and read. The rest of the weekend followed in more or less the same vein - not doing anything too strenuous and zero training.  By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around I was having serious gym withdrawals! Luckily sanity prevailed, and with the assistance of a glass of wine I managed to get over it quick smart!

Unfortunately Monday came around with its irritating regularity, allowing Divine to punish me for 3 days of sloth-like behaviour.  He pushed me through suicides, burpees, squats and the rest of their sadistic friends.  I could not finish the workout - in fact thought I might upchuck all over the aerobic studio's floor - and it took me ages to recover.  Just when I think I am getting a handle on this kak, Divine whacks me with more!


1 comment:

  1. Girl you crack me up every week!! I am very proud of you hanging on through all the torture sessions and as you know it is paying off. Missing you in Zuma games though, tell Divine to stop making so damn tired that you can't even blitz my Zuma butt.
