Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Last Buggering Kilo, Introducing a Koala and the Proof in the Fat Free Pudding!

Wow - what a whirlwind it has been!  Following yet another in a long line of self-pity parties after the previous weigh-in I bucked up a bit and went on a mission - I had two weeks to lose 1kg and was bloody determined to do what it took. I know it sounds like an easy peasy task, but let me tell you - not so much hey!  All jokes about laxatives aside, without going to extremes as far as eating was concerned, I was battling to lose even a few hundred grams - I have developed a fair amount of muscle and definition and although I still have a way to go before I am completely happy with my figure, I don't have quite as much to lose anymore, which actually makes it harder to lose!

So for two weeks I trained, and mostly behaved (aside for a delicious red velvet cupcake at work one beautiful Friday morning), occasionally braving the scale, only to see a few grams difference, or no change at all.  I was pretty caught up in work events and planning my birthday and didn't really have too much time to dwell on the remaining 1kg. Ok so maybe that's a little bit of a lie - I lay awake in bed, around 4am most mornings, thinking.  Dwelling.  Not just about weight but other stuff too.  I had put loads of pressure on myself around my party, what I was going to wear, whether I would look ok in it, blah blah blah. I had made such a hoohaa (not that kind of hoohaa people, the other kind!) about the weight loss and I knew people were going to be expecting a rake thin skinny chick.  I am not that chick.

And then along came tattoo day - and it was AWESOME!  Loved every single second of every single needle prick. Here it is!

Outline done

Finished product
I am very pleased with the way it came out and even though it is currently at the itchy, peely stage (sexy right?), I keep wanting to show it off - even checking out strangers and waiting for them to make eye contact just so I can say "hey, wanna see my tattoo?"!  ;)

The last week saw me pushing myself beyond sanity on the stupid elliptical machine and the treadmill, doing interval running, squats, lunges, crunches - anything to push me past the 18kg mark!  Divine put me through my paces with much enthusiasm, even though he spoilt me with two boxing sessions in one week, which are my absolute favourite! Leroy - coffee maker extraordinaire - kept me standing and vaguely sane by making sure I had a cup of kickarse black coffee waiting after each session! Team work people, let me tell you!

And then Friday dawned - as Fridays do. I stood facing the scale, trying to decide whether or not I was going to get on.  I had pretty much made peace with the fact that, if I hadn't lost the remaining 1kg, I would be ok with it.  But what if I had?  What if the hard work had actually paid off?  What if my goal had been achieved? Apparently I am somewhat of a sadist!  I gingerly stepped onto the scale and waited for the numbers to stop moving - it took me a few seconds to register, but when it did I gave a loud whoop!  I had managed, somehow, to lose a total of 18.1kg - with literally HOURS left before my birthday!  I was so proud of myself!  I have no measurements to share because official measurements only happen every 3 weeks, but let me break it down for you:



And just to shake things up a bit, I have removed the poor old pissed off cat and replaced it with a 6kg koala chilling on a log!

So maybe the time has come, my wonderfully patient friends, to share with you the "before" picture and the "right now" picture. I am not going to say "after" yet, because I am still very much a work in progress.  But right here and right now is where I am.


Here and now:

So with that goal achieved, it was time to party. And party we did!  Until it wasn't my birthday anymore!  It was loads of fun but I am honestly so glad it's over!  Now I can get down to the part of being all grown up and respectable.  Ok .... stop laughing ..... maybe not so much of the respectable but, let's face it, I am all grown up!

It was interesting going to gym on Monday with no plan in mind, no goal in place.  We have now changed that situation and set a reasonable and hopefully attainable goal of 20kg by Christmas.  I work better with goals - something to set my sights on and work towards.

And on that note, you guys are awesome, I love you and I wish you all happy and hairy Movember!


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