Monday 8 October 2012

The Tummy, The Tattoo and the Road to Ms October

Ok, so it's been a while.  Belly solly :(  Things have been kinda hectic at work and home, and finding the time to write has been a challenge.  Also - and this seems to be even more of an issue - I have had very little of interest to share with you lately.  I have been working hard at gym, gearing up to D Day, or B Day I guess, and falling off the eating wagon with alarming regularity.  Oh well.

The first weekend post-weigh in Steve and I headed off to Clanwilliam for a few days.  It would have been entirely unreasonable to have expected me to only drink light wine and eat salad, right?  So Olmeca Chocolate Tequila and plates full of yummy buffet it was!  Tough life right?

I then spent the following week trying to convince my body - through major sweating and working out - that it had not in fact ingested vast quantities of sugary alcohol and stodgy food. You would think I learnt my lesson right?  Nope!  The next weekend I was invited to my mom for dinner  - I don't even know why I should say anything more. It would simply be rude to pick at your food, or insist on salad, if you have a mom who can cook like mine.  Also it would cause her to worry about my health and wellbeing and I would hate to be responsible for causing her unnecessary stress.  So I ate. What was a girl to do?  Oxtail - lots of it.  It was amazing!!  There followed a disastrous lapse in judgment and I hoofed myself onto the scale that Monday!  Horror of horrors (because apparently this was a huge surprise to me), I had put on a kilo!  Pffft!  What. Ever. In an attempt to undo the done, Divine put me through some serious workouts that and the next week.  I think that he is also feeling the time crunch in terms of goals and my birthday and whatnot and appears to be adamant that my tummy will be a solid mass of muscle and definition.  I suppose one should aspire to reach great heights, but really, let's be realistic.  We have years and years and years of neglect and bad eating habits to turn around.  Not gonna happen over night - or even over four months!

What Divine wants!

This is a little extreme - ok a lot extreme - but you get my point right?
What I have done to remind myself to keep on pushing forward though is to book a tattoo for this coming Sunday - 14th October.  It's only my second tattoo - I am still a newbie - but it's an important one.  I wanted to get something different and interesting and deep and shit, and in the end (to the everlasting delight of the poor tattoo artist, I'm sure), I have chosen a butterfly.  Before you scoff too loudly, it is not the normal butterfly.  It is a Celtic butterfly and its meaning is important - INSPIRATION, TRANSFORMATION AND REBIRTH.  Clearly it was a no-brainer.  I have been inspired, transformed and sorta rebirthed!  Here it is.  Pretty hey?

Initially I was going to have it on the inside of my upper arm but then, thanks to Damon and Diane making snarky comments about how the wings of the damn thing would become extended as I got older, and how, in time and as my arm "wings" get woggly with age, the buggering thing would flap all by itself, I decided to position it on the top of my spine, just below my neck! No woggle there!

So with two weeks to go before the B Day, there was bound to be a weigh in to screw up my fun.    There I stood this morning, in the consultation room at the gym, while Divine measured all my bits.  And there I stood, my eyes literally brimming with tears, as he told me that the measurements were pretty much exactly the same - despite all the work that I have put in over the last 3 weeks. The only positive - sort of - was that I have lost another kilogram, bringing me to 17kg in total.



2 x hawaiian geese: 4.2kg

4kg pissed off cat

A 1kg hamster to feed to the pissed off cat!

I am incredibly disappointed, I won't lie.  I wanted to be at an 18kg loss by today and really expected more substantial changes in my measurements.  Poor Divine - he saw how disappointed I was, and did his best to make me feel better, going on about how I am doing really well, I am working hard, that it's a great thing that I haven't gained any weight, that the measurements are "off" because I am now gaining definition, toning and muscles are showing and such like bilge.  Didn't help.  I am still gutted that I didn't have a better result.  I have another two weeks to go before the deadline, so I will try lose that elusive mother flowering kilo by then. Yes I am being hard on myself.  No I won't cut myself any slack.  Yes I know that these things take time.  I don't care.  I want the result.

Oh, and you may remember that I previously mentioned that I had had my picture taken at gym?  Well it turns out I have, at my vast age, finally cracked the nod and become Ms October!  Ok, so it's not a Playboy cover shoot, but I am Member of the Month at Planet Fitness Plattekloof.  Yay me!   And we all know how much I hate being the centre of any positive attention right? How much I detest the spotlight being shone on me?  Try not to fall off your chair laughing, and also, just so you know, snorting with derision gives you wrinkles!

Now that I have officially bi-polared the hell out of this update, I will sign off with the following: perhaps it is time I kicked myself in my well rounded arse, and try to live by the words of the always worthwhile Seether:

"I'm not going to waste this
This opportunity's mine
I'm sick of complaining
About a beautiful life".  

Ring-a-ding-ding people, let's do this!!

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