Monday 18 June 2012

Pacman, two puppies and a tablet

Ok so I am (more or less) over the drama and self-pity which flounced around last Monday.  Gosh it was not a good day at all!  I got many hugs and no potatoes – so all in all a victory I reckon!  ‘Nuff said about last Monday.
Tuesday arrived and I decided to stop beating myself up. I went back to gym determined to prove I wasn’t a bloody sissy and ended up having an amazing session with Divine.  Yeah, it included the dreading skipping, but less of it.  Loads of abs, some running, squats, lunges – you know, the good stuff!  Feeling  mighty pleased with myself I decided to push my luck and hop on the scale.  Reasonably good news followed – but I will expand on that after the official Friday weigh in.
So in a much better frame of mind, and somewhat re-motivated, I headed out into the world to deal with the day.  And a good day it was.  Had no problems getting through the dreaded rice cakes, found that I am actually starting to enjoy the detox tea (true story) and made a divine (haha) salad for supper.   I even managed to help my daughter study for History and Afrikaans without even once reducing her to tears!  Boom! 
The one thing both Steve and I are both battling with, however, is the cold.  It is damn icy at the moment and – what a shock - eating cold, raw food is not conducive to countering the chill. Neither is not being able to have a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of wine to warm the inside bits.  I’ve been told that the lack of carbs means my body has no fuel to burn and is feeling the cold more – dude, not true, my body has much fuel:  two butt cheeks and a tummy to start! Burn baby, burn!  Our long-suffering Financial Manager (who also, bless her soul, shares an office with me) suggested that I should imagine, when feeling hunger pains or discomfort from the detox, that the pacman dude is munching on my fat stores! Epic!

Damon brought the dreaded ‘flu virus into the house last week and managed to infect Chloé pretty damn rapidly.  Needless to say, on Tuesday my throat started complaining and my nose leaking (dead sexy stuff this)!  
Wednesday was a gym off day and I did my best to beat the germs into submission.  Training unfortunately couldn’t happen on Thursday or Friday (sob ……).  This also means that weigh in will take place on Monday (gulp).  Quite sad actually because I had built up a really good momentum with training and detoxing and wanted to keep on.
Saturday was interesting because Chloé had a karate tournament and there I arrived, armed with a cooler bag filled with rice cakes, fruit salad, a hot water flask and cupasoup!!  Even though I was surrounded by people munching on curry and toasted sandwiches, I maintained like a frikking pro!
Sunday however was really rough.  Father’s Day.  We had a braai – which of necessary involved the delicious aromas of red meat and garlic bread sizzling over the coals.  So, so hard!  It didn’t help that I had some smoked angel fish to put in the salad for Steve and I but when I opened it, the smell almost knocked me out!  Vrot angel fish!  Great for the mood, let me tell you!  I ended up having a cupasoup and munching on some beetroot.  Poor Steve maintained like a hero!  His headaches seem to be getting worse though, and his muscles are starting to cramp up.  When we sat down to salad, oh I mean supper …. pffft, we felt it was advisable that he start using salt again.  Luckily I am ok as far as that is concerned.  My ‘flu is still hanging around and Divine was reluctant to have a session on Monday morning.  I could feel I was losing the momentum though and bullied him (haha) into a session.  And it was awesome!!!  I was buggered at the end but we didn’t do any real cardio – legs, arms and abs.  It was great.  And then, because I was feeling so bloody self-righteous, I hauled my exhausted sweaty self onto the scale and ended up feeling even more impressed with myself, if that was possible!  I am now down a total of 5.4kg!! 

2 x doggies = 4.6kg
Weighs 800gm

So in picture terms, I have lost two Yorkies and a Tablet!  Whoop!

Today is day 15 – the first day of the last week of detox.  My next weigh in and proper measurement taking thingy is next Monday, when detox is over.  I am going to try make a point of avoiding the scales until then …. I am hoping that I can bring my total detox weight loss to 7kg.  And I am going to work flipping hard to get there.  I also know that the hardest part of this entire exercise is going to be dropping the remaining post-detox weight to achieve my goal weight – because, from next Monday, detox is over.  So in other words, detox was, in reality, the easy part!  However, in the words of Toya Delazy, “Why live to die when you can live to soar".

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