Monday 25 June 2012

The Bitch, The Burpies and the Bunny Rabbit

Two incredible things happened on Tuesday. Let me start by mentioning that my family have been really amazing through this - dealing with bitchiness and boring meals, listening to me harp on endlessly about every single gram I lose, every aching muscle, every millimetre of loosening in the clothes - and they do this with only the occasional quiet sigh!  There I was, on Tuesday evening, busily chopping fruit and veggies and stuff, when Damon randomly turned to me and said, "I am really proud of you. With this detox.  Really proud".  Gosh!  I cannot even begin to tell you what this meant to me!  And later (cos clearly this wasn't enough validation) I was discussing Chloe's Afrikaans exam with her which she had written that day - and she mentioned, in passing and just by the way, that the topic had been someone who inspires her, and had written about me!  WHAT? Insane!  Trying to lower my huge head onto my pillow that night caused some serious neck ache! :)

The rest of the week was pretty much the same of the same - rice cakes, fish, fruit, Divine, sweat and pain.  With a few notable exceptions.  On Wednesday, when I got home from work, I took off my belt and could literally pull my jeans off without unzipping them!  Progress!  And on Thursday morning Divine decided I was strong enough for burpies.  Let me tell you - no one is EVER ready for burpies.  Holy shit! 20 of the fuckers in a row. And let me just say here - if you are questioning the use of profanity, you have never done a burpie. End. Of. Story.

With the official end of detox mere days away, and weigh in and measuring looming, I was very strict and didn't even think about cheating!  Luckily exams are finished and schools closed on Friday so stress levels were greatly reduced.  The weekend passed quietly comprising of an awesome win for Damon's soccer team, watching an entire season of Spartacus, sleeping, staying warm and eating popcorn.

And Monday arrived.  Day 22.  Or Day 1 if you wish. End of detox.  Time to face reality.  Divine was there - waiting!  He actually seemed more nervous than me!  Of course my achievements - or possible lack thereof - would also be in part be a reflection on his ability to kick my arse. #challengeaccepted

Here are the figures:
Weight loss: - 6.2kg (not the 7kg I was hoping for, but not far off)
Chest: -5.7cm (this was made up mostly of back wobble I reckon, since I don't have much "chest" to speak of!!)
Upper arm: -1.2cm
Waist: -4.7cm (yeah baby)
Thigh: a whopping loss of 5.6cm (on one thigh, please note - not collectively on both!!!)
Calf: -0.3cm (I have pretty good calves so this figure did not phase me in the least).

2 x 2.3kg puppies = 4.6kg!


This bunny weighs 1.6kg!
So I have lost two puppies and a bunny rabbit!  Not too shabby for 3 weeks right? And then I naively believed that Divine would take it easy on me this morning - kind of as a reward for my hard work.  Pffft - not a chance!  Toughest workout yet.  Because now comes the really hard work. Makes me nervous, I won't lie.  Things have gone really, really well and I have survived detox without once cheating - something i never thought possible, especially on days 5 to 8!  The weight loss has been phenomenal, I feel great, I am getting noticeably fitter and stronger.  But I am now faced with the reality that things are going to slow down dramatically.  I can start eating again like a regular person - some carbs, red meat, chicken and - wooohoooo - booze! But I am going to have to give 200% more than what I have been giving so far. Both in terms of exercise and eating wisely.  And size does matter - of the portions at any rate!  I am almost inclined to continue on the detox diet until reaching my goal weight - what is preventing this, however, is the fact that I am absolutely completely and utterly over steamed fish, and don't even mention the buggering rice cakes! And mommy needs a glass of wine!

In the words of the inimitable Florence and the Machine: The Dog Days are Over!

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