Monday 2 July 2012

Post-detox indulgence, and the repercussions!

Well the first week of post-detox has been interesting indeed!  Monday's menu was pretty much the same as detox, except that supper was extra lean cottage pie with sweet potato mash and steamed veggies.  It was amazing!!  However, my tummy did not agree! I tossed and turned all night, cramping and aching.  It's quite astonishing how your body lets you know when it's not pleased with you.  Red meat is, apparently, not my friend!

Tuesday's training session was intense.  Divine has definitely stepped up my workouts.  No more Mr Nice Guy!  I also hit a bit of a snag mid-morning on Tuesday.  My vision, particularly in my left eye, started blurring and jumping around, my peripheral vision disappeared altogether and my head started pounding.  Over-dramatic woman that I am, my immediate thought (and that of our office manager) was a stroke! (:s) I left work early and by the time I got home my vision had mostly cleared up but there was a very loud, very crappy dubstep track looping in my head!  So the question is - was this headache a result of the meat I had eaten the night before, or from the intake of food other than what was prescribed during detox, or just a general headache?  Who knows - guess we will have to see what happens through the next week or so.

For dinner on Tuesday we had a tiny potion of chicken, a spoonful (literally) of brown rice and loads of veggies.  I have to tell you that by 9 o'clock I was ready to take a bit out of one of the cats!  To avoid animal  cruelty, I hauled my ass off to bed.

Wednesday was my gym off day - thank heavens!  My body was aching from the previous two days' intense sessions - I have never, ever worked so hard at gym before!  Meals pretty much followed the same pattern as before, but I decided to live it up a bit for lunch, daredevil that I am, and had Ryvita with fat free cottage cheese, tomato and cucumber!  And it was awesome!!!

Thursday saw me back in Divine's clutches!  Oh and by the way, I am now the proud owner of a custom-made skipping rope from hell!! It is nothing like a regular speed skipping rope - it is a thick, industrial looking thing which is quite heavy, but once you get into rhythm you can almost feel the fat falling off! So as much as I detest skipping (and I really, really do), I know that it is also going to be my ultimate weight loss and fitness champion exercise.  Currently I am pretty rotten at it. Thursday's training involved skipping and ab work, but Divine also introduced me to a buggering thing called explosives.  They are not as bad as the deaded burpies (burpees? whatever) but they still suck arse. Sometimes (not often, because quite frankly I don't give much of a toss, but sometimes) I wonder, as I am performing these ridiculous maneouvres, what the other people at the gym must think.  Picture this: there I am, bending over a long step balanced on two piles of small steps, waving my arse in the air and bouncing around like an idiot.  Occasionally, a long, loud line of expletives explodes from my mouth, and other times (when I can't even speak cos I'm so breathless) I just make loud grunting and panting noises!  Kind of like a pissed off panda!

Thursday night I managed to completely screw up supper.  We ended up with soggy floppy butternut and sweet potato chips, over-steamed veggies and bleak, tastleless smooshy fish.  Sigh .... I don't know if I've mentioned that I really hate cooking?  But in case I haven't yet  .... I really, really hate cooking.

On Friday, and knowing we had a dinner reservation at Bloemendal that night, I went all out at gym.  I managed 400 skips (which, FYI, is 800 jumps).  Ok, to be completely honest, I did a set of 50 skips, went full blast on the spinning bike for one song, did 50 skips, spinning bike, skips - you get the picture.  By the time we got to Bloemendal for dinner, and two tequilas later, I was totally ready for real food!  I am afraid, however, that I pissed myself off completely by not having any starch, only having small tastes of some of the food and even leaving roast lamb on my plate! I shit you not!  I did, however, manage to drink half a bottle of bubbly, no problem! :)

Saturday was a day of vegetation - me, not the garden - and involved absolutely bugger all that could possibly be called strenuous! On Sunday I started the morning off with 110 skips (it was Sunday, give me a break) and then we headed off to Ratanga!  What a jol!  I totally behaved myself and only drank half of Steve's beer (twice) and even ate a frikking chicken salad for lunch!  Ok and I had a bit of tomato bredie for supper - one of the few things I can cook well, and I could hardly let it go to waste, now could I.  I truly did only have a little bit though!

On Monday the lack of fruit, veg and too much meat definitely caught up with me. I was sluggish, miserable, tired, tetchy and just plain full of shit.  Luckily Divine doesn't give too much of a toss about my mood and ploughs on regardless.  And boy did he plough!  We managed three entire sets of abs and arse work!  We even managed to fit in a "photo shoot"!  Everyone, meet Divine!

Divine told me today that I am not allowed to weigh myself until our official measure and weigh in session in two weeks' time.  He reckons that we are not going to be reducing our weight loss totals to only about 2kg or so over a 3 week period, and that I may become depressed or despondent if I weigh myself too often.  Too late!! Sob ....

I have to say that this is no longer as much fun as it was initially.  While I am clearly loving the difference in body shape, I am bored to distraction trying to figure out healthy meals, I hate cooking (did I mention this?) and this morning I had an intense desire to stab my grapefruit repeatedly until it exploded.  I have got to find a way to renew my enthusiam. Soon.  Otherwise apathy and disinterest could lead me down the road to hell .....

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