Monday 16 July 2012

The "Coming Out" Session, The Nachos and The Rollercoaster Ride

Another week, another update.  Another opportunity to over-share (the real reason people blog in the first place, let's be honest!).  The past week was fairly uneventful, with more of the same - I am not going to bore you to tears with the details of every squat, every lunge, every drop of sweat - I will rather, in the interests of keeping this marginally interesting, share only the highlight reel!

On Friday I took the day off, with the intention of doing some gym, having a facial and spending time with the kids before they went back to school.  In this vein I took the kids to gym with me.  Chloe headed off to swim, but Damon wanted to train with me.  Divine was more than happy to have Damon along and put us through an upper body workout of note.  I am delighted to say that I completely out-gymed my 15 year old!  BOOM! He now knows first hand that his mom is hardcore!!   

Friday night we went to DecoDance in Sea Point to celebrate Steve and Etienne's birthdays!  A ridiculous amount of fun was had, a stupendous amount of alcohol was consumed and we danced until 3AM! It was bloody brilliant!  What relevance does this outing have to the blog? Well it was a "coming out" session of sorts for me - the first time I had been out partying with my friends since starting this journey.  I squeezed myself into a pair of super, super tight skinny jeans with high heeled boots. And the funniest thing happened.  You know how when someone is preggers, everyone feels it's their right - an obligation almost - and not at all inappropriate, to rub and touch the baby bump?  Well apparently the same is true if you loose some weight!  I have never, ever had my arse grabbed and rubbed so many times - and by such an array of people!  And whilst I should probably say that this offended my sensibilities, it really didn't! What better validation that the hard work is starting to pay off!

Saturday (mid) morning arrived and, ever so slightly overly hung, I had an intense yearning for nachos.  Spur nachos.  Yes, it's off program.  No, not one shit was given!  Off we headed to Spur - me dragging my aching head and mangled feet (I am convinced that dancing in high heeled boots until 3 has damaged my big toe to such an extent it may end up toenail-less).  But boy, the nachos were yummy!  Every single calorie. Every single nacho. Every single evil bite was bliss! Until it wasn't anymore.  Aside from the fact that my tummy got a tad grumpy, I became overwhelmed with guilt! Not only did I consume at least my body weight in alcohol and sugar the previous night, but I had topped it off with nachos!! And it's weigh-in on Monday! EEEEK!  When we got home I decided to alleviate some of the guilt and Chloe and I had ourselves a skipping / squat session!  500 skips and 80 squats. :)  I then proceeded to spend the rest of Saturday, and a good chunk of Sunday doing sweet bugger all!   

Monday appeared - far too soon - and it was time to face reality. Remember that the first weigh-in session followed a very strict 21 day detox.  This was now 21 days of eating more or less like a regular person.  Before I go through the results let me tell you that I only wanted to share the two good ones with you.  It was Divine who convinced me to share it all.  He said, and it makes sense I guess, that it serves absolutely no purpose if everyone thinks this is a walk in the park, and that all I do is lose, lose, lose.  That is comes easily and there are no hurdles or rollercoaster rides.  So, having said that, here are the results (I am giving you total results from day 1 to now, as opposed to the results from the last measure/weigh in session): 

Weight:  - 9.9kg (yip! So chuffed.  The first time I met Divine I told him my goal was 10kg.  No, he said, your goal is 15kg.  But, having said that, I am a mere 100grams from my initial goal!).
Chest: - 6.7cm (only 1 cm more than last time, but in an attempt to alleviate my diminishing bra-filling-capacity, we have been working on the upper body quite a lot!)
Upper arm: - 1.5cm (only .3cm more than before, but I have to say that the wings no longer flap quite as much as they used to!)
Waist: - 15.8cm. Allow me to repeat (and wallow) in that figure:  minus 15.8cm!! Nuff. Said. 
Thigh:  First measured loss was 5.6cm. Unfortunately today we added 1 cm - making it a total loss of 4.6cm. It's fine..... Ok, it's not.  But I know that in reality my thighs have literally changed shape - they are definitely slimmer, firmer, and are much more shapely. So bugger it. Moving on. 
Hips: Now this is a tough one.  The very first time (pre-detox) that my bum and hips were measured, a figure was given.  The next time we measured (post-detox), the figure had remained the same.  And today, this too only showed a 0.2cm loss. The difficulty I have when dealing with this figure is that I know for a fact that my bum and hips have shrunk dramatically!  Clothes which, only 2 months ago, I could not get over my hips, or zipped up all the way, now literally fall off! I cannot explain the figures. So I will choose to ignore them. 

Bottom (pffft) line this is what I am going to celebrate having achieved thus far: 

2 x 2.3 = 4.6kg

2 x 1.6kg = 3.2kg

So I have lost two puppies, two bunny rabbits and a crayfish. I am going to take this achievement with both hands, a wide smile and celebrate!  


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